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- Andreev-like Reflection in the Pfaffian Fractional Quantum Hall Effect
  Ryoi Ohashi, Ryota Nakai, Takehito Yokoyama, Yukio Tanaka, and Kentaro Nomura

J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.91,123703(Published 22 November 2022)

- Possible topological phases in quantum anomalous Hall insulator/unconventional
 superconductor hybrid systems

  Ryoi Ohashi, Shingo Kobayashi, and Yukio Tanaka

Phys.Rev.B 104,134518(Published 28 October 2021)

- Theory of Tunneling Effect in 1D AIII-class Topological Insulator (Nanowire)
 Proximity Coupled with a Superconductor

  Ryoi Ohashi, Yukio Tanaka, and Keiji Yada
